Photo: Martin Lukas

Photo: Martin Lukas

Location: BurungMandi v., Damar sd., EBd.

Accessibility: Around 69km (80 minutes) from Hanandjoedin Airport

Coordinates: 2° 44’ 32” South Latitude (SL) & 108° 15’ 4” East Longitude (EL)

Elevation: 0 to several m.asl

The Burung Mandi Cretaceous Granodiorite is a large granitic rock formation sitting above the Burung Mandi beach. The rock itself is similar to granite, but contains more plagioclase feldspar than orthoclase feldspar, a common characteristic of granite. The hill is also the site of the oldest and largest monastery in Belitung: the Vihara Dewi Kuan Im, an important icon of religious diversity in Belitung.

The Burung Mandi name was taken from a witch doctor who once lived on top of Mount Burung Mandi. 

Surrounding the hill is a stretch of white, sandy beach lined with pine trees, along with waterfalls and Mt. Burung Mandi, all also accessible to visitors. ​This is the only area in Belitong Island where the mountain and beach landscapes combine, creating a truly unique view.


Coordinates: 2° 44’ 32” South Latitude (SL) & 108° 15’ 4” East Longitude (EL)

Elevation: 0 to several m.asl