Photo: Martin Lukas
Location: BurungMandi v., Damar sd., EBd.
Accessibility: Around 69km (80 minutes) from Hanandjoedin Airport
Coordinates: 2° 44’ 32” South Latitude (SL) & 108° 15’ 4” East Longitude (EL)
Elevation: 0 to several m.asl
The Burung Mandi Cretaceous Granodiorite is a large granitic rock formation sitting above the Burung Mandi beach. The rock itself is similar to granite, but contains more plagioclase feldspar than orthoclase feldspar, a common characteristic of granite. The hill is also the site of the oldest and largest monastery in Belitung: the Vihara Dewi Kuan Im, an important icon of religious diversity in Belitung.
The Burung Mandi name was taken from a witch doctor who once lived on top of Mount Burung Mandi.
Surrounding the hill is a stretch of white, sandy beach lined with pine trees, along with waterfalls and Mt. Burung Mandi, all also accessible to visitors. This is the only area in Belitong Island where the mountain and beach landscapes combine, creating a truly unique view.
Coordinates: 2° 44’ 32” South Latitude (SL) & 108° 15’ 4” East Longitude (EL)
Elevation: 0 to several m.asl