
Location: KualeSijuk v., Sijuk sd., Bd.

Accessibility: about 30 45 minutes from Hanandjoedin airport via National Road.

The Kuala River occurred when the Banda plate, the Argo plate and the Woyla arc were separated from Australia, moving towards Southeast Asia about 145 million years ago. The river trend traced along SW matches those movements.

The site itself is a typical mangrove granite rock where at least 6 species of mangrove trees can be found. During the nineteenth century, this area was known as a trading port connecting the river to the Natuna Sea in the north. This area offers deep breathing mangrove atmosphere. ​Visitors can walk along 650 meter-long track along the river edge while enjoying the mangrove forest. 

Belitong’s fourth oldest mosque is situated around this river, a signifier of Islam’s presence in Kuale during the final days of the largest and oldest kingdom in Belitong. About 300m northwest is an ancient Konghucu temple built two years earlier than the mosque, the two existing in harmony in Belitong for decades long past.

The weathering of Tanjung Pandan Granite is in the form of quartz sand / alluvial deposits, Quaternary age. Also found were a number of granite blocks from Tanjung Pandan, Triassic, 208 to 245 ma in age.


Coordinates: 2° 33’ 23” South Latitude (SL) & 107° 46’ 21” East Longitude.
Elevation: 0 to 10 m.asl.