Tanjung Kelayang. Photo by Tinton Ariestanto

Tanjung Kelayang. Photo by Tinton Ariestanto

Location: Keciput v., Tanjung Kelayang sd., Belitung.

Accessibility: Around 32km (43 minutes) from Hanandjoedin Airport by road.

Coordinates: 2° 33’ 23” South Latitude (SL) & 107° 46’ 21” East Longitude.

Elevation: 0 to 10 m.asl.

The Tanjung Kelayang Granite Geosite is located at the end of the Southeast Asian granite province. 

This geosite offers an exotic view from the coastal rock structures composed of Triassic (213 million years ago) granite Tor morphology undersea.  The granite Tor sea environment morphology has been recognized as a world class geological heritage.

A small island cluster is formed from these rock structures atop very clear sea water, forming a beautiful panorama. Visitors can enjoy ‘island hopping’ between the Garuda island, Kelayang Island, Pasir island, Kepayang island, BatuBer- layar island, Burung Island, Malang Ara island, and Lengkuas island. The biodiversity at the sea floor is also a popular attraction. Other culturally significant attractions include a colonial lighthouse at Lengkuas Island.


Coordinates: 2° 33’ 23” South Latitude (SL) & 107° 46’ 21” East Longitude.

Elevation: 0 to 10 m.asl.