Photo: Martin Lukas
Location: Limbongan v., Gantung sd., EBd.
Accessibility: around 76km (82 minutes) from Hanandjoedin Airport by road.
Coordinates: 3° 0’ 42” South Latitude (SL) & 108° 3’ 14” East Longitude
The Moss Hill Geosite is a conservation area with rich biological diversity atop the flysch metasediment rock in the Kelapa Kampit Formation. The biome consists of numerous types of tropical rainforest moss and orchids including around 9 species of moss (Bryophytasp.), around 9 species of orchids (Orchidaceae), and pasakbumi (Eurycomalongifolia).
This area is also an important source of water and thus considered sacred by the local community. The value of the area as a water source is responsible for the local culture of farming in Belitong which does not depend on seasons and can be carried out throughout the year.
The hilly area is an area isolated from the others by valleys and mountain ridges. This tropical rainforest area has high humidity and evaporation and little sunlight penetrates the shade from the trees. These conditions allow moss, ferns, orchids and epiphytic plants to thrive on the surface of rocks and trees.
The hill itself is the highest point in the southeast region of Belitung Island. Visitors can enjoy a beautiful scenery at the peak of Lumut Hill.
Visitors can explore the hills, enjoying the fresh air and beautiful views of the southeast of Belitong Island.
Coordinates: 3° 0’ 42” South Latitude (SL) & 108° 3’ 14” East Longitude
(EL) Elevation: around 50 m.asl to 175 m.asl
Size: around 18 Ha forest with around 3 Ha moss garden.