
Location: Aik Selumar village (v.), Sijuk sub-district (sd), Belitung regency (Bd).

Accessibility: Around 22km (30 minutes) from Hanandjoedin airport.


This site is a forest consisting of 149 species of plants and covering 350. The name ‘Peramun’, meaning concoction, comes from the abundance of medicinal herbs in the area; many being said to be effective in recovery from malaria, childbirth, diabetes,high blood pressure and other such diseases. 

These herbs are used in the production of a unique souvenir called geo-herbals. Other plants are also available as souvenirs in the form of craft products. The rare Horsfield’s Tarsier (Chepalopacus bancanussaltator) can also be found here. Peramun Hill also has an excellent TOR landscape typical of Belitung Island and its surroundings.

Visitors can hike in the granite forest while observing the herbs and the tarsiers.

Arsel Community, a case of social forestry in Belitung.


Coordinates: 2° 36’ 54” SL & 107° 44’ 14” EL

Elevation : 22 m above sea level m.asl.

Size: 93,50 km2